1715 1466 1974 1700 1348 1268 1782 1141 1237 1917 1388 1289 1676 1849 1484 1147 1926 1362 1503 1197 1239 1214 1372 1610 1611 1157 1472 1549 1584 1917 1185 1266 1678 1010 1692 1032 1673 1952 1602 1653 1088 1211 1256 1707 1158 1908 1688 1455 1804 1546 1674 1425 1827 1391 1939 1642 1855 1586 1614 1952 1917 1115 1032 1969 1037 1330 1094 1057 1132 1349 1494 1097 1845 1460 1977 1230 1269 1496 1917 1137 1981 1665 1224 1997 1171 1428 1337 1013 1209 1640 1884 1078 1215 1455 1040 1085 1060 1097 1471 ระบบห้องสมุดอัตโนมัติ ULibM
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ลำดับที่Subject จำนวนทรัพยากร
Human beings Effect of environment on Textbooks 1
Human capital 1
Human ecology Textbooks 1
Human evolution 1
Human physiology 4
Human physiology Juvenile literature 4
Human physiology Juvenile literature 4
Hygiene 1
Hypertension 1
Hypertension drug therapy 2
Hypertension theapy 1
ICD-10 1
Immunity 2
Incompatibles (Pharmacy) Handbooks, manuals, etc 1
Industrial hygiene 1
Industrial management 1
Infant, Newborn, Diseases 1
Infants Nutrition 1
Infectious diseases 2
  27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 [446]   [แสดง 20/8919 รายการ]

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